A Gang of Goodness

Lately I've been spending a lot of my thought time on the never-ending fascination with the people around me.  It's obvious that I don't deserve my friends.  They are creatives, humanitarians, business wizards, teachers, designers, community builders, artists, and most importantly, fascinating and brilliant humans who are passionate, full of depth, and tremendous goodness.

A lot of my work is an attempt to create messages that inspire and bring clarity to people.  Without a doubt, much of that comes from the gems that I see around me, some on a mission to find and stop the bad guys, some focused on making love's message louder than any message of hate, some nurturing tiny human beings that will one day be a radical future, some building empires that empower others, some crafting things that make the world brighter, and others who spread goodness in all kinds of simple daily interactions with strangers who are often changed from those moments of magic.  

This weekend some of us took a break from our work and all met in our most favorite playground-Baja, Mexico.  As we sat staring at waves, side by side, I kept thinking about how the people around me are changing the world, mostly by encouraging each other, and then going out into the world to play their part, knowing the special beauty in how it will have to take all of us.  Entering this holiday season, my heart is more than full, thankful for the rare and radical hearts that are relentless in their quest to fight for goodness in the world.  Here are some photos of the gang's recent magic moments, late nights and early mornings, and also peeks into the work they've inspired.  Best of all, below are links to some of their work, all of which I promise will inspire you in one way or another and point you toward more good things.  There are so many more which I will have to include in a future post of this nature, but here's a starting place...